Marios Myronakis, MSc, PhD
Personal statement
I have been performing research for the past 10 years in the field of detector design and dose estimation for diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray beams. My areas of research expertise include detector design for diagnostic imaging, dose estimation for computed tomography procedures and imaging detector design in radiation therapy. I have extensive knowledge of computational methods in physics such as the Monte Carlo method.
- 2008-2009 Research Fellow in Radiotherapy and Imaging Division, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
- 2013-2014 Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiotherapy and Imaging Division, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
- 2015-present Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiation Oncology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- 2018-present External research fellow in Department of Medical Physics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete
- Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece B.Sc. 06/2004 Physics
- University of Surrey, Guildford, UK M.Sc. 10/2005 Medical Physics
- The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK Ph.D. 09/2013 Physics
- 2005 Awarded M.Sc. in Medical Physics with distinction (top 3)
- 2009-2013 ICR Ph.D. Grant
- 2013-2014 Postdoctoral project funded by EPSRC Platform Grant & CRUK
- 2017 Best in Physics, AAPM Annual Meeting (first/presenting author)
Professional Associations
- 2016-present American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), junior member
Scientific focus
Novel imagers for low-dose MV-CBCT
- Myronakis, M., Fueglistaller, R., Rottmann, J., Hu, Y., Wang, A., Baturin, P., Huber, H., Mofr, D., Star-Lack, J., Berbeco, R. (2017). Spectral imaging using clinical megavoltage beams and a novel multi-layer imager Spectral imaging using clinical megavoltage beams and a novel multi-layer imager. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 62, 9127–9139.
- Myronakis, M., Star-Lack, J., Baturin, P., Rottmann, J., Morf, D., Wang, A., Hu, Y.-H., Shedlock, D., Berbeco, R. I. (2017). A novel multilayer MV imager computational model for component optimization. Medical Physics, 44(8), 4213–4222.
- Myronakis, M., Hu, Y.-H., Fueglistaller, R., Wang, A., Baturin, P., Huber, P., Morf, D., Star-Lack, J., Berbeco, R. (2018). Multi-layer imager design for mega-voltage spectral imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(10).
- Hu, Y.-H., Fueglistaller, R., Myronakis, M., Rottmann, J., Wang, A., Shedlock, D., Morf, D., Baturin, P., Huper, P., Star-Lack, J., Berbeco, R. (2018). Physics considerations in MV-CBCT multi-layer imager design. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(12).
Monte Carlo simulation for detector development
- Myronakis, M. E., & Darambara, D. G. (2011). Monte Carlo investigation of charge-transport effects on energy resolution and detection efficiency of pixelated CZT detectors for SPECT/PET applications. Medical Physics, 38(1).
- Myronakis, M. E., Zvelebil, M., & Darambara, D. G. (2012). Computational modelling of pixelated CdZnTe detectors for x- and γ- ray imaging applications. Journal of Instrumentation, 7(03), P03004–P03004.
- Myronakis, M., Hu, Y.-H., Fueglistaller, R., Wang, A., Baturin, P., Huber, P., Morf, D., Star-Lack, J., Berbeco, R. (2018). Multi-layer imager design for mega-voltage spectral imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(10).
- Shi, M., Myronakis, M., Hu, Y. H., Morf, D., Rottmann, J., & Berbeco, R. (2018). A Monte Carlo study of the impact of phosphor optical properties on EPID imaging performance. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(16).
Monte Carlo for dose estimation
- Myronakis, M., Perisinakis, K., Tzedakis, A., Gourtsoyianni, S., & Damilakis, J. (2009). Evaluation of a patient-specific Monte Carlo software for CT dosimetry. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 133(4), 248–255.
- Myronakis, M. E., Zvelebil, M., & Darambara, D. G. (2013). Normalized mean glandular dose
- computation from mammography using GATE: a validation study. Physics
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